
A History of Shredding Paper

Discover the history of shredding paper Ever since the invention of paper, there’s been a necessity to destroy it. Pre 20th Century, the most effective way of destroying a paper record was to burn it. Today for the protection and secure destruction of d...


Why shred a mobile phone?

Why shred a mobile phone for data security? Mobile phones have become ingrained in our lives. In 2018 96% of the UK population used a mobile phone on a daily basis. It’s estimated that between 2011 and 2019 around 52 million iPhones were sold. On avera...


Selective Shredding or Shred Everything?

Most of us recognise that keeping data secure is imperative for business integrity. Shredding paper documents, hard drives, IT equipment, uniforms and products are just some of the ways you can protect your company data. But how do you know what to shred?...


How does the shredding process work?

Ever wondered what happens to your confidential paper once it’s taken away? Exactly what does the shredding process look like? Let’s find out. Pre-Service To begin with, our advisors will analyse your paper usage and estimate a cost based on how much ...


Before you buy an office shredder…

…try the better way of shredding. Purchasing a small office shredder may seem like a convenient and effective way of handling your confidential paper waste in order to comply with GDPR. But by far the most cost-effective and simpler way of shredding is ...