Environmental advantages of shredding on-site
There are very few disadvantages of shredding on-site.
We think it’s a one of the best ways to ensure your data is kept secure and your business stays compliant with GDPR. There are also many environmental advantages of shredding on-site. We take a look at a few in this blog.
It’s obvious that shredding your confidential waste is more environmentally friendly than throwing it into the waste paper bin. Shredded paper can be repurposed. It can be made into any number of new products, including writing paper, paper towels and toilet tissue.
Did you know paper can be recycled up to 7 times? Paper is one of the world’s most recyclable resources, so it makes sense to prevent this valuable material ending up in landfill. Our on-site shredding service helps you recycle paper. Your paper is baled, taken to a paper mill and recycled, just as we do with our off-site shredding service.
Saving money
When you choose a professional company to perform shredding on-site, it helps you save more than the environment. Another major benefit is that of saving valuable staff time spent shredding manually in the office. Our mobile shredding trucks can shred up to 40 times faster than a small office shredder. The manpower saved is invaluable. It also prevents you spending money on a separate contractor to recycle your paper. Instead, all paper and even cardboard is bundled together in shredding sacks or consoles to be taken away by the same company.
Saving Energy
Shredding on-site means that all your confidential paper waste is fed directly into one of our mobile shredding trucks. This is a vehicle with an industrial shredder contained within it. There’s zero risk of any of your private documents being unlawfully used, as you can watch your materials being shredded right in your workplace car park. By shredding in our mobile trucks, energy is saved as the truck is working in real time. This means fewer trips back to the depot, saving both emissions and energy.
Reducing Carbon Emissions
Our mobile shredding trucks can shred huge volumes of paper. Holding a mammoth capacity of around 6 tonnes, your papers are collected in bulk for maximum efficiency. Perfect for when you’re having a big clear out! During one working day we make numerous stops in the local area, helping to reduce our carbon emissions as well as providing a quick efficient service for our customers. If you are surrounded by offices similar to yours then you could all benefit from the cost savings of a regular scheduled shredding collection by shredding on-site. Why not pool together with nearby businesses to take advantage of this fantastic, efficient service?
We’re committed to helping the environment with shredding on-site. If you’d like to take advantage of our green shredding services, then contact us today for a quote.